I usually have honey for sale. If you would like some let me know when we schedule your job. My bees live around Edmonds and their honey is comprised of local flower and blackberry nectar. The honey is filtered but otherwise unprocessed.
For people interested in keeping bees, I am available for beekeeping consultation to get you started. It would be great to have people tending the bees that were removed from their home.
For the first hour it’s $300, each additional hour $100, pro-rated to the quarter hour. Free removal of honey bee swarms (a mass of honey bees found on a tree, the ground, a bush… usually in the Spring) [...]
Given the delicate state of honey bees today, the opportunity to relocate colonies that have been surviving on their own is rewarding. While many honeybee colonies are failing, these “survivor colonies” may have [...]
Wild Bee Company’s owner Keith Glatzer offers bee removal and wasp nest removal with absolutely no pesticides. Colonies are precisely located through the use of infrared technology, accessed and taken out by [...]
Owned and operated by Keith Glatzer in Edmonds, WA, Wild Bee Company serves Seattle and the greater King County and Snohomish County areas.
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